Goals! Make them big, and get out of your own way!


Take a bite out of the new year and get your 2019 goals laid out now! There is no reason to wait for January 1st to roll around before you start figuring out what your goals are going to be for the next year. I'm not talking about easy to accomplish things. Those make for terrible goals. I am talking about big scary OMG how am I going to make this happen goals.

If you already know how to make your goals happen then they are not the right kind of goal. They don't require you grow as a person. Figuring out how you are going to make it happen is what inspires personal growth. When you are sitting down and writing out what it is you want to accomplish it should make you a little uncomfortable, or you aren't setting the right kind of goal.

Get out of your comfort zone, and for that matter your own way! When you sit down to figure out what your goals are, suspend reality and think of what it is you want. Don't let any reasons enter your mind as to why it can't be done. Once you have that goal identified write it down, and put a date on it.

Now that you have your goal defined and a projected date that you want to accomplish it by, you get your actions in line with that goal. If you are not taking actions that lead you in the direction needed to make that goal come to fruition then you need to alter your actions. You don't accomplish your goals by doing certain things. You reach your goals by doing things in a certain way.

Get out there and crush it in 2019. Establish your goals, and don't let anything get in the way of accomplishing them, and that includes yourself!


LGBT+ Pride Month - Tim Seelig


"Hope: Why I refuse to give up" - Hank Henley